Saturday 23 February 2013

I never told you what I do for a living

Hi! Long time no see. I return to the blogosphere to present an already kind of old project of mine, which was once again, a collaboration with my soul sister Marina.

To be perfectly honest, this project was really a failure in many ways as well as an eye-opening experience. The process of development of the project in question lasted the whole first term of this school year. Long-term projects aren't my thing, especially when the theme wasn't very motivating and I was stuck in an emotional well of self-doubt. Now, looking back, I realise so many things which I could have changed, to make the project worthy of a good grade and recognition.

This project was done by everyone in my year, to 'compete' for a place in the Madrid Bridal Fashion Week, which is in May. 26 of my super talented classmates were selected (they were all breathtaking, believe me, such genius at work there). Needless to say, I wasn't one of them. NONETHELESS it was overall a very teaching experience. I now feel like I can't do any worse, and I kind of got out of the emotional well. Which means I am able to show you how I approached this project. I feel like I can now criticise it knowledgeably and not get sad. Also, I think it wasn't that horrifying. Judge for yourselves. I did work hard on it and I still feel proud of the result, so keep in mind I love it in the way a mother loves their most ungracious child.

These are a couple of the photos I took of Marina and the dress. You can see the rest on My Flickr.

Finally I leave you with a video I made alongside it. I am forever thankful to Marina for enduring my projects, and being positive about them despite everything. 
Please, tell me what you think! xx


  1. You know I love every single thing you do, always

  2. (yo voy a lo español que ando cansadita y sé que tú me entiendes igual de bien)

    odio odio con todo mi ser que pienses que no haces un buen trabajo. ok, para mi desgracia y descontento no he visto tu presentación completa porque solo tuvimos dos asquerosos momentos para ello pero estoy segura de que has hecho un buen trabajo. porque a mí me gustó lo que vi y babeo de envidia viendo las fotos que hiciste con tu amiga marina. tía, te juro que miro proyectos tuyos como este y pienso "joder, si esto es lo que hace cuando dice que no lo hace motivada y no lo hace al 100% de sí misma... qué será de los mortales cuando saque su torrente creativo?" i absolutely love las ideas que te fluyen por dentro y SÉ que tienes muchísimo que contar y enseñar al mundo, y que el mundo necesitamos que lo hagas y voy a seguir igual de pesada animándote a que lo hagas hasta que te hartes. aunque creas que no eres para tanto (que eres para eso y más) y te excuses en una falta de autoconfianz que no te mereces. me quedo con un WOW constante en la cara desde que te conozco cuando te escucho o leo pensar e incluso me sienta mal (sí, me sienta mal) que solo haya unos cuantos privilegiados que sepamos que eres capaz de hacer cosas grandiosísimas. jo que para mí es un privilegio que estés en mi clase y poder estar cerca de alguien tan tan creativo. estoy impaciente porque sé que este cuatri nos vas a dejar a todos (un poco más) boquiabiertos con tus proyectos. i soooooooooooo believe in you. gracias por compartir.
